To login and Blog on Team SiteÂ
- I have to manually build your account so hit me up first (here)Â
- (will also need username and email)
THEN ->> Click HEREÂ (
Checklist – Use as a Guideline

- Content will reviewed before published (2,000+ words and full of awesome and references)
- think EPIC, EPIC, EPIC content! (that is what will get it shared the most)
- We as a team can promote and share it if it's epic and if it's “BRIDGE” to empower is solid (optional but preferred for team involvement) ex1 and ex2
- You will build the content right here on the site (do not send me your article)
- Fill in the Greg's High Performance SEO (replaced by THEME SEO Settings) below

- Tags and Featured ImageÂ

- Get More TagsÂ

- Did you get over 70% SEO Score? (Stick your keyword in Primary Keyword)
then shoot for over 70% using Primary Keyword, Analysis, On-Page (Title, Url, Meta, Heading, Content)

- You get ONE backlink within the body and one blog link in the signature (when you setup your profile)
- Reference out To Build Fasters – Link out and REFERENCE as many sites as you can, that add value to your articles. Then you can ping them on facebook/twitter that you connected and referenced their materials. In doing so you many will reciprocate and send you a ping and send their traffic to you. (ex: here when I wrote about them here)
***Rule of thumb 1 Reference PER 300 words you write***
- The MORE references to small and medium sized websites, blogs, authors, Facebook pages, twitter account.. the BETTER chance you can “reach out to them”. Don't ask for anything. Just say you referenced them in your current blog post and that you appreciate their work.
- Depending on their support/size/kindness… they will decide if they want to LINK BACK to your article, and syndicate to their OWN networks. This is how I got (,,, the author of a book (bob burg)…) to reciprocate a backlink and send me traffic.
- If you reference them make sure you REFERENCE.. not just “MENTION”… discuss what they did and give them spotlight and utilize what you referenced. This will increase your chances of them coming back to you with traffic.
- Aim for 1 out of 5 to come back and respond, give you traffic, or just say hello to you. Build a relationship… (maybe you can GUEST blog for them)
- My personal goal is to have over 5 external references that I can personally contact with twitter + facebook + email.
- Outreach Template (twitter, facebook, email)
 this was an approach I'm studying and implementing by okdork on outreach
- Hit Save Draft to save your work.
Click Submit for Review so I can review and publish when READY 🙂
To Setup Your Profile (one time)
- Â Go to your profile and setup this as your Signature automatically under your article (will take ONE blog link in html, NOT capture page.)

- Fill out the sites you are building as it will automatically place this in the signature after your article to build your brand and network. This is the ONE google plus account that will link your SEO articles.

- Setting up Google+ (most important of the sites for Google Authorship)

- To find your Google+ url (go here)
- Go to your Google Plus and connect this blog to your account (for every blog or content site you blog on you should add this to your profile on Google+) (remember to his SAVE)

How to add the contributor site to your Google+
This allows you to auto populate an image in many, many sites and blogs. (you can tie in multiple emails if needed to one account.

Why Do This? (Cause It Works)
I doubled my traffic 16 days vs 16 days before that with 2 Blog posts.
This is the foundation to the team blog and then having the ability for our teams and customers to utilize our “Authority Content” to build their own traffic and leads while they blog on their own and drive other forms of traffic.
Having websites and social media accounts connect with you (twitter, facebook work well. don't forget email contacting them either)

sometimes just connecting
Author vs Promoter, Checking Links, and Syndication
Great Content = Value = More Relationships = More People LINKING to Your Content + More People SHARING Your Content = More Organic & Referral/Social Traffic
For Authors
- You get get the most traffic as others build your brand and writing style, It comes at a cost of AWESOME content that takes time. The MORE awesome it is… the MORE people will leverage your content.Â
- If you can “BRIDGE” Empower (to the company capture with ?id=username) and allow the promoters to leverage the call to action at the end to build their list, their sales… you will sky rocket your traffic
- Instant branding, viral reach with you as the author
For Promoters
- Instant content that you can promote for leads/sales
- No need to do ANY of the heavy lifting… you just gotta promote (syndicate) the content so YOUR link gets out there… this is critical
- Pick the topics you want to promote and put it close to your audience. EX: I wrote about the IE vulnerability which is HOT news. You post that on facebook and “warn” your friends… you get that traffic to YOU vs sending news to say huffington post or cbs news… I will be writing current event topics and others too 😉
- I am writing out “college” topics to target young adults and parents. I'm posting that to my University of Texas Page 😉
The Promotion Steps (*MOST IMPORTANT*)
(Both Authors AND Promoters need to do this to make this work for them)
*preferred but not limited to (add your OWN steps with your OWN ?id=username)
- Facebook
- Facebook profiles (your own wall)
- Facebook groups (if they are active, if not… might be worthless)
- Facebook page
- Facebook notes write a quick 100 word pre-frame leading into the article with image WITH your ?id=username
- Google Plus
- Twitter
- Linkedin
- Pinterest (make sure to LINK the image, do 1-2 per day)
- reddit (verify your account so you can do multiple submissions a day)
- stumbleupon
- digg
- email your list(s)
- short short videos on Youtube (over 30seconds long that then call to action in description with link to YOUR ?id=username). Think movie trailer
- Empower blog small snippet preferred to have a contextual link. That's a LINK YOU can click with keyword. you can pinpoint a keyword in an article if it's bold.
- check out this blog about “Reasons to go to college“
- see how i made Reasons to go to college linked to the blog with keyword “reasons to go to college”
- Instagram
- Quora (be careful about dropping link, only if link provides value to the question)
- Yahoo Answers (same as quora)
- Forum marketing (same as quora)
- Slideshare (build presentations like in 15k quickly and backlink back to article with your ?id)
- Blog Comments (same as quora, value driven, not spam)
- Other tools like tribepro, trafficgeyser, autosyndications, Social monkie, hootsuite….
Last but not least
I'm not joking.The 80/20 rule of content marketing (blogging)
20% of your time is in creating and research
80% of your time is in PROMOTION
Wanna get a TON of organic traffic? Build a LOT Of arrows, fingers …. pointing at content you can get a lead in
So I would repeat this process PER day… every day as much as you can (if you are getting throttled like reddit will slow you down and not let you post til the next day even if you confirmed your email… just take a breather and come back.)I personally try and syndicate daily .. .SOMETHING… and i'll start with most recent and work back
-sites like reddit, stumbleupon only need ONE link so you can't go back to that well….but google plus, twitter, facebook, list, linkedin…. you can just change up the language and STILL point back to the article
The content is going to be awesome and you will WANT to get this content in front of your audience… in ANY platform.
Bonus #1 – Your Own Profile Post
Make A Post About YOU. This will be another point of contact people get to know YOU… Wanna know why people spend money with you? It's your “clout and authority” in the niche. Profile pages like this can be reference in your articles to build authority.
Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
Bonus #2 –Â Ideas To Blog
click to expand
- Teach something
- How to use Instagram, Facebook, Quora, Youtube, Linkedin, Reddit, Pinterest…
- each of these has hundreds of trainings you can do EACH
- Take Screen shots, shoot videos, animated gifs…
- Try to NOT just copy and paste images. (copywrite issues) unless you annotate and link to them