Deadline: July 31 Midnight CST
*have a conversation with your sponsor BEFORE joining
This is our Pruvit Business Model
Click here to see Business Model
 Google Trends of Keto vs work from home vs internet marketing

- Keto as a whole is skyrocketing even though it's been around over 50+ years as a science
- Pruvit went from 5 million a month to over 25 in half a year because of demand… you don't have to know how to sell or even be likable to meet demand…. the demand is huge.
Dallas Regional on July 15th (over 1,000 people)

What you get:
- Qty 1: Instagram Account You will own
- Daily Traffic pushed through that Instagram account (as long as your smartship is on)
- Normally grows by 500-1,500+ new followers a month
- Training on how to maintain and grow the account
- Training on how to sell and generate trials, customers, Pruver promoters through account
- Hashtags to use
- Strategy to growing and engaging your niche
- Average person spend 15-60 min a week. Once you get 100+ likes per photo you have a traffic source that will probably be your #1 source of new prospects.
Typical Instagram Account Built
Details to Qualify – You Must Purchase:
If joining for the first time:
Qty: 1 Experience Pack (middle pack)
(200 servings)
Qty: 1 Swiss Cacao
Qty: 1 Keto Kreme (if not available get another product)
Smartship (any)
If already a Pruver Promoter in 8fm, just upgrade your current purchases to the ones above
To Join and Get Your Instagram Launch Bonus
Deadline: July 31 Midnight CST
Engineering Your Success,
Lawrence Tam
Independent Pruver