4 Questions to Generate Killer Content Ideas

Creating a blog for your website is a great idea. It can generate links, comments and social shares. However, in order to generate all this ‘buzz’ you have to have content worth sharing and linking to and commenting on. This is often easier said than done.

While you can write on generic topics you find relevant to your niche or service, this usually doesn’t generate much attention. If you are ready to create epic content that gets the attention you want and deserve, ask these four questions.

What’s Everyone Talking About?

It can be hard to stay updated on all the trends online; however, there are a number of tools and tricks to use to help this along. You can set up Twitter lists, search for trending hashtags on Facebook and even use news aggregators such as Feedly to see all of the latest news from custom picked industry blogs.

Helpful Tip: When you talk about what people want to know, it will generate interest, clicks, shares and traffic so spend some time each day reading up on the latest trending topics.

What’s the Data Say?

Google Analytics is an invaluable tool that can provide you with insight regarding what is killing it or falling flat on your website. Take notice of the topics that generated a lot of traffic. Do they have a common thread? If so, you may want to stick to this type of content since it works. You can also see what didn’t do as well and eliminate that from your content rotation.

Helpful Tip: Top lists seem to always do well. Create a unique list that covers a trending topic in your industry – chances are the traffic will come flowing in.

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Is there Room for Guest Bloggers? (apply to writer on this website)

New ideas for content don’t always have to come from you. Ask influencers or other experts in your industry to contribute to your website. This is a win-win situation – it gives them more visibility and brings new people to your website. Not to mention you are filling in one of your content holes. Helpful Tip: Be sure you find people who can add value to the blog, not just a random post that offers nothing your readers would be interested in.  

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Are You Listening to Your Social Media Followers?

While you may believe social media is simply a bunch of nonsensical chatter, the fact is if you listen to your followers and join in on the conversation, you can find out what they want to know. Listen to questions and then develop content around the questions being asked.

Helpful Tip: Be sure you are posting a link on your social media channels when something new is posted. This will help generate even more interest.

If you take some time to stop thinking so hard about what to write on your blog, it will likely be obvious. Answer common questions, find relevant, trending topics and listen to questions your audience is asking. Creating killer content is as simple as listening to what is being said.


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Tabitha Jean Naylor, Clearwater FL

Tabitha Jean Naylor, Clearwater FL is the Founder of Successful Startup 101, a digital magazine that provides answers to today's most pertinent questions facing startup founders, and the Owner of TabithaNaylor.com, a marketing firm that delivers 'big agency' quality at rates that are affordable for startups and small businesses.

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