By definition, business administration jobs are the “establishment and maintenance of procedures, records, and regulations, in the pursuit of a commercial activity.”
In layman’s terms, Business Administration consists of the planning, organizing, leading, and executing the various aspects of running a company.
Running a company. Running. A. Company.
Do you see how learning how to run a company could be a big asset to you? How business administration jobs, being the heart of a company, pumping it’s lifeblood in day-to-day operations can get you what your own heart desires most?
With roles that are varied in nature, business administration encompasses everything from a corporation’s business operations and management teams, leading a larger group of lower level employees within an organization, to a company’s advertising and marketing strategies to increase profits and attract prospective clients.
Business administration jobs are a great career opportunity for:
- any individual interested in the everyday operations of a company
- those looking for a career change of a different pace and direction
- individuals who are competitive by nature
- people able to meet the challenges of working or studying in a fast-paced environment
- good communicators that are well versed in the areas of politics, history, economics and technology
- people good with numbers, problem-solving, data analysis, and other quantitative-analytical skills.
99% of millionaires have degrees. Business Administration is the fifth most common major among millionaires who have degrees.
Sources: Classes and Careers, Spear’s Magazine, and John A. Byrne
Who is Attracted to Business Administration Jobs Like Magnets?
Business administration jobs are often sought after by college students, individuals getting back to work after raising a family, or those that have served in the Armed Forces.
This is largely because many entry level jobs in these areas of expertise do not require any special training at the time of hire, although additional training and education usually needs to be pursued at a later date in order to achieve advancement.
As a result of needing very few skills at the start of the career; however, business administration positions are a fantastic job opportunity for workers seeking a career change.
Or it can be some extra money when things are financially shaky at home, or you have no financial room to back to school right away.
A job in business administration may be a worthy pursuit for anyone undergoing the situations mentioned above, even if an advanced degree – such as a Bachelor’s, Masters’ or Doctorate – is a necessity for employees wishing to advance over the course of time to high-ranking positions within an organization.
Low barriers to entry mean you can get in and get going on a career that is lucrative.
Business Administration Jobs Morphed Into Careers
Because the scope of jobs making up Business Administration is so far reaching, there are many opportunities for careers in the field. For example, you may find the following career opportunities appealing:
- A company’s finance department which manages the incoming and outgoing monies for the company.
- Economists that handle the monitoring of a company’s financial trends.
- Human resources department workers manage employee benefits and capital.
- Marketing executives develop strategies for promoting a company’s brand to prospective clientele.
- Advertising jobs are available for workers with a knack for promoting a brand’s products or services.
- Logistics is an option for go-getters that know how to bring a company’s product or service to their clients.
- Business operations careers are comprised of workers that oversee a company’s ability to run smoothly on a daily basis.
- Business administration jobs in management positions in business administration are made for workers that are able to oversee a group of workers and/or projects within a company.
The requirements for the various jobs that fall under the term, business administration, are so wide and deep that you could build a company ecosystem with just biz admin majors. Some jobs are full-time positions, whereas others can be achieved on a part-time basis.
A few examples of part-time business administration jobs are:
- customer service
- bookkeepers
- billing specialists
- administrative assistants
Full time positions in business administration at the entry level include jobs in scheduling and marketing.
With a Bachelor’s Degree in the fields of business, marketing, finance or economics, work can be obtained as a financial services representative, a career where stocks, bonds and mutual funds are sold to consumers.
Combining business administration jobs, accounting (one of the top three fastest growing jobs in the U.S.) and technology can really boost your chances of being irresistible to both employers and contractors.
Business Administration Jobs Pay
♦ Management analysts are employed at the entry level and consult with businesses to assess their profit margins and effectiveness, recommending changes that will help companies to better achieve their mission statements and organization. The field for management analysts is expected to undergo a growth spurt from now through 2018. With proper education and training, management analysts’ salaries were a median of $73,570 in May 2008.
♦ Financial analysts, like management analysts, also serve as business consultants. These workers examine a company’s short and long term financial goals, making suggestions that help the company decide which direction should be taken to ensure fiscal sustainability.
♦ The Bureau of Labor Statistics sees growth in the field of management analysts to grow by more than 30 percent in the next four years. For this career, a Bachelor’s Degree is an entry level qualification for management analyst work. Larger corporations, however, do require a Master’s in Business Administration. The median salary for a financial analyst was $73,150 as of May 2008 and entry-level employment as a financial analyst can eventually lead to certification as a chartered financial analyst, which is the highest ranking job in this field.
The advantage to finding full time business administration jobs, as opposed to part time is that the pay for full time jobs is steadier. However, to achieve this steady pay, a worker may need to further his or her education in the long run. Some business administration jobs can also be taken on a temporary basis, leading to more flexible hours, even if the pay for these positions is not as steady as for full time work. For any business administration job, however, advancement in one’s career often hinges on the worker’s enthusiasm towards pursuing additional education to advance their career aspirations. These jobs give only what the worker is willing to put forth the effort to achieve.
Business Administration Jobs – Higher Education
There are many opportunities available to business administration workers that wish to advance their education and prepare themselves for better earning potential in the future. These educational pursuits can be as simple as attending seminars, or completing certificate programs and continuing education to keep one’s skills sharp. Many workers find benefit from extra on the job training. Lastly, receiving an advanced degree, ranging from an Associate’s Degree in Business to a Doctorate, is an available opportunity for workers with the finances and time to spend pursuing additional education in their chosen career field.
On-the-job training has its own benefit by allowing the worker to earn a living while learning the skill. This training does not come with the expense of education. Continuing education is made available through community colleges and local universities and is completed by reading literature and taking a test to prove what you have learned or through sitting through a seminar to receive a certificate of completion. Certificate programs are often offered in a specific field of study and are often offered through community colleges, business schools or other institutions of learning.
The tuition for certificate programs is often more reasonably priced than that of a degree program offered at a college or university.
Receiving an Associate’s Degree in Business Administration takes two years to complete at an accredited community college and is generally not enough of an education to land an entry level business administration position in many larger companies.
Pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree allows the worker to achieve enough education to secure many entry level positions in Business Administration. Obtained from college, universities and business schools, this four year degree is offered in accelerated and part-time options as well. Some Bachelor’s in Business Administration degrees offer the opportunity to special your chosen career track. A Master’s in Business Administration Degree (MBA) is a minimum requirement for some careers in this field. Also available on an accelerated track of one year, the typical MBA requires an additional 2 years of study after achieving a Bachelor’s Degree. Most students in MBA programs attend business school to complete their degrees. A Ph.D. or Doctorate in Business Administration is often needed if a worker is interested in the teaching or research fields. The highest degree attainable in Business Administration, this degree takes an additional four to six years to complete.
Business Administration Jobs and Their Salaries (source 1)
A 2012 survey by the National Association of Colleges and Employers stated that business administration majors with a bachelor’s degree earned an average starting salary of $52,500, which is well above the $45,790 earned annually by the average U.S. worker. (highlights for April 2014- PDF download)
The lower quarter of business administration majors with a bachelor’s degree earned $40,200. The top 50 percent made $50,000. The top 25 percent of workers with a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration earned $63,400.
With a Master’s Degree, the average annual starting salary was $64,100. The lowest 25 percent of Master’s Degree-prepared workers earned $51,500. The 50th percentile made $62,000, and the top 25 percent earned $73,900.
Among the top industries, average salaries for business administration majors with a Bachelor’s Degree include $55,500 for those who work in management positions.
The manufacturing industry paid business administration majors $54,400; the wholesale trade paid $53,800. The professional, scientific and technical services industry paid an average salary of $53,600.
In addition, the federal, state and local government paid $51,500, and the finance and insurance industry paid $50,900.
Additional education is needed if you wish to find long-term success in Business Administration jobs.
Bachelor of Business Administration Salary (source 2)

*sources from payscale and degreetree
Common jobs to get with a BA in business administration include secretary, executive assistant, and administrative assistants. The starting salary for these positions is around $10-12 per hour. With additional experience, your salary will increase, with the median salary for these types of positions at $34,660 per year ($16.66 per hour) and top paid positions at more than $55,960 per year. –
What Kind of Jobs Can You Get With A Degree in Business Administration?
The below job types have were pulled from Marylhurt University and displayed here for reference:
Accountant – An accountant is a person who is in charge of maintaining, editing and reporting private or public financial records in accordance with governmental regulations. Average Salary: $37,335 – $51,137
Accounts Payable Professional – An accounts payable professional maintains businesses liabilities (bills), keeps track of important information, such as when they are paid, determines new payables, and administers expense accounts. Average Salary: $26,439 – $35,862
Accounts Receivable Clerk – An accounts receivable clerk is responsible for performing a variety of tasks including a strict record keeping of accounts receivable for a business, preparing invoices and bills and handling expenses and client inquiries. Average Salary: $25,504 – $35,006
Acquisitions Tax Manager – An acquisitions tax manager is a higher level of the accounting team who is responsible for taxes of property acquisitions management during company purchases. Average Salary: $105,000 – $115,000
Agency Underwriter – An agency underwriter serves as a commercial insurance products retailer who also provides insurance policies and coverage for small or medium sized businesses. Average Salary: $43,490 – $76,700
Appraiser – An appraiser is a real-estate professional trained in providing a property’s (home or business) estimated value. Average Salary: $37,935 – $48,415
Bank Compliance Officer – A bank compliance officer keeps track of all accounting, lending and investments made within a bank according to federal regulations. Average Salary: $60,834 – $94,665
Banker – A banker is responsible for monitoring financial activities, establishing positive customer relations and dealing with private and corporate customers in retail or commercial banking offices. Average Salary: $29,736 – $42,969
Benefits Administrator – Benefits administrators work in human resources and are responsible for maintaining employee benefits and all associated benefit documentation while providing information and advice on coverage eligibility and employee coverage options and compensation programs. Average Salary: $35,807 – $46,597
Billing Clerk – Billing clerks work in private or commercial businesses and keep track of how much money customers owe a business, then calculate and prepare the customers’ bills. Average Salary: $24,955 – $35,211
Biomedical Technician – A biomedical technician, or medical repairer, works to repair various medical equipment such as defibrillators, heart monitors, electric wheelchairs and ventilators. Average Salary: $46,069 – $57,253
Bookkeeper – Bookkeepers maintain financial records, typically in the form of ledgers for a business, and perform basic accounting tasks. Average Salary: $32,853 – $42,664
Budget Analyst – Budget analysts work with organizations to create, analyze and execute business budgets for private, government or nonprofit businesses. Average Salary: $42,860 – $55,079
Business Risk Consultant – A business risk consultant is a professional who determines possible problems a business may have, potential financial losses or corporate threats within a company. Average Salary: $64,000 – $95,000
Casino Gaming Manager – A casino gaming manager maintains all gaming operations and the planning and coordinating of all games played within the casino. Average Salary: $38,028 – $61,636
Certified Financial Planner – Certified financial planners work with clients to determine how they can meet lifelong financial goals through various management techniques. Average Salary: $40,999 – $61,431
Chief Financial Officer – The chief administrative officer leads an organization and must oversee various operations including finance, manufacturing, research and development, marketing and property management. Average Salary: $73,252 – $183,427
Chief Lending Officer – Chief lending officers supervise bank, savings institutions or credit unions staff members and develop loans. Average Salary: $75,000 – $107,000
Chief Technology Officer – A chief technology officer focuses on technological problems, research and development tactics, and the creation of long- term goals through capital transformation. Average Salary: $170,885 – $259,414
Claims Assistant – A claims assistant reviews and edits claims filed for employees under workers compensation and provides clerical services to risk analysts’ claims. Average Salary: $24,000 – $36,000
Clerical Aide – Clerical aides perform multiple office tasks such scheduling appointments and managing budgets and financial records. Average Salary: $18,560 – $22,270
Commercial Lender – A commercial lender issues business loans that may involve real estate, non-confirming assets or other sources of security backed up by collateral. Average Salary: $57,328 – $73,912
Commercial Loan Processor – A commercial loan processor is responsible for processing commercial loan applications and obtaining the necessary requirements and information for the application to be approved. Average Salary: $29,222 – $41,281
Compliance Analyst – Compliance analysts work to make sure businesses actions meet certain standards as well as federal regulations and laws. Average Salary: $41,386 – $63,846
Compliance Specialist – Compliance specialists analyze the legality of certain business operations and provide duties such as planning audits and leading in law-related matters. Average Salary: $50,562 – $67,960
Computer Office Technician – Computer office technicians maintain, install and repair office computer systems. Average Salary: $28,030 – $34,970
Construction Administrator – A construction administrator maintains paperwork associated with construction jobs or projects. Average Salary: $36,044 – $51,336
Construction Manager – Construction managers plan, develop and coordinate construction projects: including commercial, residential and industrial projects. Average Salary: $56,083 – $104,108
Contract Lawyer – A contract lawyer works on various legal cases on a temporary or contract basis. Average Salary: $67,000 – $74,000
Contract Negotiator – A contract negotiator is the middleman between two organizations, helping them reach positive outcomes. Average Salary: $50,057 – $84,617
Corporate Auditor – Corporate auditors are responsible for a company’s tax, accounting and auditing activities as well as maintaining public records. Average Salary: $42,520 – $71,960
Corporate Development Manager – A corporate development manager develops strategies and determines profitable acquisitions for a company. Average Salary: $81,359 – $114,331
Corporate Travel Manager – A corporate travel manager is the head of a businesses travel department who manages and arranges a businesses employee travel plans. Average Salary: $61,358 – $102,876
Court Clerk – Court clerks are responsible for clerical work in a city, state or federal court system. Average Salary: $27,777 – $42,841
Credit Analyst – Credit analysts review files for bill collection and analyze the paying habits of delinquent bill-paying customers. Average Salary: $44,449 – $74,829
Credit Counselor – Credit counselors provide financial advice and counseling to people who are in debt by calculating estimated debts and funds and arranging payment adjustments. Average Salary: $27,843 – $37,891
Credit Manager – Credit managers’ direct credit operations of credit bureaus or retail shops and help customers fill out credit applications. Average Salary: $38,839 – $70,793
Customer Service Associate – Customer service associates provide companies who buy or sell a service a link between the business and potential customers. Average Salary: $26,680 – $38,000
Customer Service Representative – Customer service representatives deal with service complaints, help customers on the phone and in person, complete contract forms and determine charges for services. Average Salary: $23,449 – $35,281
Data Entry Clerk – Data entry clerks maintain computer information, type data into computers and operate office machines. Average Salary: $21,157 – $30,156
Demand Forecast Manager – Demand forecast managers keep track of market trends to help determine product popularity. Average Salary: $68,000 – $128,000
E-Commerce Manager – An E-Commerce manager is responsible for maintaining, developing and upgrading web sites for businesses and organizations. Average Salary: $56,059 – $109,364
Economist – Economists study how society uses resources such as labor, land, machinery and raw materials to produce services and goods. Average Salary: $48,124 – $100,495
Education Administrator – Educational administrators provide leadership and are responsible for daily activities in schools, colleges and universities. Average Salary: $47,657 – $81,598
Education Supervisor – An education supervisor develops and coordinates school operations, both long- and short-term. Average Salary: $39,000 – $87,872
Environmental Analyst – Environmental analysts develop research studies for controlling environmental pollutants and collect data for research models, projects and surveys to identify concepts to help decrease environmental problems. Average Salary: $65,000 – $86,212
Escrow Closer – An escrow closer is someone who prepares and executes escrow agreements and files and delivers legal papers and deeds. Average Salary: $31,612 – $51,238
Event Manager – Event managers coordinate special events, such as parties and seminars, and plan fundraisers, promotional events, and convention booths. Average Salary: $37,662 – $57,059
Executive Receptionist – Executive receptionists represent a business, company or individual, and communicate with customers while handling multiple office duties and equipment. Average Salary: $25,000 – $35,000
Facilities Coordinator – Facilities coordinators oversee a business maintenance staff, company grounds and supplies. Average Salary: $33,408 – $50,411
Fashion Merchandising Technician – A fashion merchandising technician is responsible for improving sales of fashion items and organization merchandise display within retail shops. Average Salary: $31,550 – $57,010
Financial Accountant – Financial accountants analyze and prepare a client’s financial paperwork and records and make sure all taxes are paid. Average Salary: $45,038 – $63,968
Financial Analyst – A financial analyst is responsible for providing investment decisions for individuals and businesses. Average Salary: $44,210 – $63,697
Financial Center Manager – Financial center managers typically work in a bank setting and handle financial transactions made by clients. Average Salary: $81,880 – $116,165
Flight Attendant – Flight attendants are in charge of airline safety and security regulations, and keep passengers comfortable during a flight. Average Salary: $31,310 – $67,590
Food Science Technician – Food science technicians analyze, classify and compare food, beverages, preservatives and additives to make sure they meet certain regulations and standards. Average Salary: $24,328 – $49,891
Forecast Analyst – A forecast analyst prepares budgets and proposals and makes forecasts depending on specific financial matters. Average Salary: $50,690 – $66,763
General Office Assistants – General office assistants are hired in companies, schools, offices or hospitals and are responsible for administration activities, supervising coworkers and reviewing memos. Average Salary: $30,177 – $42,630
Hospitality Administrator – A hospitality administrator handles tourist operators for a hotel or resort to give tourists a satisfying experience. Average Salary: $31,141 – $42,320
Human Resource Manager – Human resource managers are responsible for overseeing an organization, company or agency’s human resource department, screening resumes and setting up appointments during the hiring process. Average Salary: $45,001 – $74,472
Landing a Job in Business Administration
Finding a job in Business Administration can be a fairly easy task with a little pre-planning and focus. Based on the roles and educational needs mentioned previously in this article, you will be better prepared for your job search once you take note of the special skills and strengths you can bring to the table.
Begin your search for the perfect business administration job for your needs by searching popular websites, such as These websites allow the job candidate to search for careers by distance and topic.
A report from the University of Washington at Tacoma states, however, that only 5 percent of available jobs in this field are reported online, so it is important to seek other avenues that post these job listings, if searching the web does not help you find the career you were hoping you’d find. While the internet is not always the best way to find a job in business administration, networking with the help of friends, family and colleagues has shown to be a great way to start.
Approximately 75% of Business Administration jobs are filled as the result of networking among peers, proving that sometimes, it is “who you know” that helps you to land work.
Try headhunters. You never know when you might receive a “cold call” from an organization’s headhunting service at the time when you need it the most.
I’ve got my BEST 2 jobs through headhunters and my job coming out of college through a happen chance meeting with a corporate recruiter on campus… just reaching out to people. I remember going to about 2-3 interviews a week and getting turned down on all of them due to “better applicants”. The University of Texas has a TON of quality students so competition was fierce.
Look outside the book and network as far as you can. Hitting Linkedin, headhunters (individuals), and staffing agencies. Don’t forget friends and family 😉
Your Heart’s Desire…
Remember your heart? What drew you into this article? I’ve thrown a lot of facts and figures at you, but the real heart of the matter is that business administration jobs can lead you down the road to bigger and better goals.
Goals like entrepreneurship: consultant, freelancer, business owner.
Combine business administration with marketing, and you have a powerful force that can land you the big bucks.
Did you know you can become an expert witness for courts, such as a forensic accountant and then land an interview on CNN?
You could write a book about social media marketing because you have the experience and education to back you up?
You could run a blog dedicated to helping people with personal finance, like Suze Orman?
The sky is the limit. With technology so far-reaching, you can carve yourself out a nice little niche that pays beaucoup bucks.
All you have to do is use your imagination, get creative and get started.
The question is, will you?
I would start by learning some internet marketing, mixing in business as a firm foundation to growing in your career or starting your own business.
This is fun to learn. Find your passion and go for it.
Awesome stuff, Lawrence! Really incredible numbers!
This was a great blog! Loved the information!
This has awesome information. Can’t believe the stats!
could you help me create a website?
Sure. Depends on the requirements and your budget.
am from Liberia