61 Social Media Websites Used For Prospect Marketing Research

Social Media Websites Market Research

Ready To Take The Social Media Websites Market Research Leap?

Most of all, once you know the basics, it is time for you to take the market research leap. It is time for you to learn who your best customers are going to be. Market research is the first step in any business.  If you do not know who your best customer is you will never find them. In this post we will review 61 different social media websites you can use to gather together new groups of potential customers, and then we will show you how to use them with other social media platforms to do demographic and psychographic research on your email list.


Video Summary

Market Research Process Using Social Media Websites Found on Spokeo.com

First of all and most importantly, get to know your email list by using the procedure I outlined in the video at the beginning of this post.

Now that you have become a registered member of all these social media website platforms, you have also registered for 61 market research platforms at the same time.  All you have to do is figure out a way to sort through the social media websites, and the many people you find on each site/platform to find the few customers who really would like to be your best customers.


Teach Your Best Customers

Then, teach them how to do the same.  There are enough platforms in the post below to keep you busy for 61 years.  Pick one that is most like you and have fun.

Also, you may want to look at the post on this page to get some good ideas that you can you can model for your chosen platform.  The outcome you are looking for is a way to post your best content automatically, while you are on the beaches of the World playing, and having sales come in on autopilot.


Social Media Websites to Build Your Email List With Targeted Customers

Use the following social media websites for this process and your email list.  You are building an email list right?  If not, go to this post before you complete the work below.  This market research process works best if you have a list of emails, names or phone numbers to sort through.  You will find that emails work best with these social media websites:

  1. Spokeo.com
  2. Facebook.com
  3. GooglePlus.com
  4. Youtube.com


Image Recognition Software

The sites above are major search engines as well as social media websites.  Spokeo.com uses image recognition to sort through 61 different social media websites, profile images, all at one time.  Most important, simply place your email address in the social box and it will sort through 61 sites and find out if that person(or the person using that email) has an image that is tied to a name.


social media websites



Then hit the search button, or hit return on your keyboard as both work to do the same search, and then you will see an image that looks something like this that is matched to the image used in some of the social media websites profiles being referred to.  It will show the number of social media websites the email you placed in the box above is associated with and it will pick one image.


Use The Image You Find to Cross Reference to Facebook

Use this image to double check that you have found the right person on Facebook or Google plus circles, depending upon which social media websites marketing tactic you choose. Next copy the name you find associated with the image.

You will not always get an image and a name.  In this case you will only have an email address to work with. But the example in the image above has a name so you would copy it by clicking and dragging your cursor over the name to highlight it with a light colored box. Then place your cursor over the highlighted name and right click to see the menu of options.  Choose copy to copy the name on your clipboard.


screen capture 61 social media websites Tom Lincoln



Next, take that name and place it into the search box in Facebook and hit return.  Sometimes you need to use the people tab in facebook to sort out only people.  This is how you get information about the people on your email list if they did not include their name when they opted-in to you email list. But, why do you need to bother with all this?


promote your website

Is Your Email List Already Unresponsive?

You see the problem in the online marketing world is that many people have lists that are dead and unresponsive. Therefore it is typical to look for 5% open rates considered to be a good or minimum open rate.  This post is teaching you a way to learn more about the people you are attracting with your marketing and advertising.  Why is that important? Because, it will allow you to decide who you really want to reach.  Many people have huge lists but no one buys from them.  They do not form trusting relationships with the people on their list.  They churn and burn through their lists with product, after product offer and provide very little value to their list.


With this procedure outlined above, you are now armed with the right information about your target audience.  You have begun the most important part of your, successful business.   Stick around this is going to be fun!


  1. you are a marketing geek like I am
  2. spending less money and time finding the right people to your offers is attractive to you and your business model

In The Future You Will Learn Two More Steps

Furthermore, in future posts we will cover two, additional, main, marketing strategies, namely:

  1. what to do(marketing tactics and strategies)
  2. who does the actual work using outsourcing efficiently and effectively.

Reduce Your Market Research Expenses Using Social Media Websites

Most relevant is that right now, you are going to learn more about social media websites used in market research, and market research platforms, and the processes that you can use to reduce your market research expenses for your business.  Also, once you get good at it, you will be amazed at how easy it is with the advent of the digital world we live in.

Once you find out who your best customers are, then it is important to learn how to find large groups of them, right? Finally, I will show you the system I first learned about and then modeled and made my own, used to:

sort through the many people your marketing attracts to find the few that are right for your business

This may be you. Because, you are the type of person that wants to use marketing to grow your existing business, aren’t you?  You have enough money to invest in your education that you will eventually pass on to your employees or outsourcers.  Furthermore, once you figure this out,  it will be a simple matter of scaling it up to a larger size to monetize.  It is at that point that you will be able to leverage this process and your time.  You can then spend more of the time you have left on this Earth with the people you love enjoying your life instead of having to work your business, belly to belly, as is common in this industry of network marketing.  Time freedom is the ultimate outcome of using this strategy.

If You Have A Yahoo.com Email Address

Some people use yahoo addresses in their opt-in.  For them, you may have to use the whole email address or the yahoo.com portion and place the front of the address in the Facebook search box:

Example : osheaaddy@yahoo.com you would place osheaaddy in the facebook search box and you will find a profile for this person who has given us permission to use his email address for this post


social media websites Williams Adeyinka


You will find that many people use the same email many times for different social media profiles.  Then, look at both the about section in their profile and their timeline. If you can not find their picture you may have to move to step 2 below using Google Circles.

What Can We Find On Facebook About Our Opt-in Email Subscribers?

While we’ll get to step 2 later in this post, lets look at what you can find out about your email list subscriber if you do find them in facebook in the about section:

  1. videos they like
  2. books they like or have read
  4. Instagram
  5. Pinterest
  6. Groups they belong to
  7. Quora posts they’ve made
  8. Soundcloud audios they’ve listened to
  9. StumbleUpon Posts
  10. Notes they’ve written
  11. Where they’ve been

You can see what their friends do for a living and what friends they have that are in common with you.  In short, using certain social media websites like Facebook, you can find the demographic and psychographic information you need to know about them, by looking at what they post as a whole set of information.  You usually(unless they are totally lying) can figure out if they would be a good fit for your business or not.

However, when building a network marketing business, never judge people on their ability to succeed in your business.  You guide them in the right direction only.  People will surprise you by how strong their WHY helps them get over obstacles.  It is not about what you think.  It is always about what they think.  This social media websites, market research, procedure will just help you hone in on messages that will resonate with your, “sweet spot” target audience.  These will be people you like so much you would invite them to your home and probably will.  They make business fun!

Social Media Websites Make Your Market Research Work Much Easier

Social media websites make it easier to do market research than traditional market research. No longer will you have to pay exorbitant fees for market research, unless you want to.  First of all, I joined many different social media websites, some of which you will find below.  There are a few that are more important than others.  Some you will decide not to join, because you do not resonate with them, and that is fine.   Join the ones that have the kind of people you want as customers.  Once you get started using this system it will become apparent to you which ones they are.


This System Models A Digital Market Research Website

Next, I modeled a digital market research site, and combined the use of other social media websites to conduct the market research of my opt-in email list.  Because, once I understood who my marketing was attracting to my email list,  I could adjust it to attract the kind of people who are willing and able to pay for my products and services.


Are You Selling To The Wrong People?

Why bother with all this information about social media websites? Because, not knowing who you want to sell to is a mistake many new business owners make.  I did, did you?  And, it can be an expensive proposition for a new business owner, and hence, it is not necessary for you now that you know how to use this easy procedure.  You will get better and faster with it the more you use it consistently.  You do not need to search the internet for the secret to being successful.  It is right here if you use it properly and consistently to grow your audience of potential customers

You may want to follow a mentor or a group of team members in a Mastermind in the beginning, while you get your feet wet, and learn all the ins and outs of running an online business. But once you do, you must breakthrough to your own tactics and strategies that work best for you. Knowing who you are you are going to sell to is the first step.

61 Social Media Websites You Can Use To Do Your Digital Market Research

screen capture 61 social media websites


You’ll Be Using Top Social Media Websites

The image above is a screen capture image I took from Spokeo.com.  They have done a great job of grouping some pretty popular websites, many of which, most people know about that have any experience in online marketing.  It is a brilliant website, and the members of these social media websites are at your fingertips when you use this site the way you see in the video above and the description following it.

Make sure you register for each of these separate social media websites.  If you have trouble with some of them, stay at it.  Search each link to find the forum, the comments, and/or the posts of the members of the sites below.  Search for places you can let the members of the site you are looking at, to see you exist.  This is called building awareness for you, your company.  You know you are your brand in the beginning and throughout the history of your company, so protect your brand image.  Be you, be authentic but be cool too!  This is business.  You may want sign-up for 10 social media websites at a time, as this can take some time.

As we said before, you are in business. And,  being in business is like being in a marathon with a series of sprints. So, don’t worry if you do not get it all done in one sitting.  The idea is to set it up daily and then be able to use it for a long time to come.

How Do These Social Media Websites Rank Globally and Locally For Traffic?

You could also use this as a social bookmarking sites list to syndicate your best content marketing posts in some of these social media websites. Because, each one acts as a marketplace, if you think about it that way.   You can use social media websites to sort through the many to find the few that may fit your best customer’s demographic and psychographic profile traits.

Also, you may find many opportunities to share your content with people it can help, that you find on these social media websites.  You will find a list below.  Which one of them caters to people that are just like you? Test out each one to find out.


Alexa.com Monitors Websites Globally

See how they rank on http://ww.alexa.com/siteinfo.  Also, many of these social media websites will be excellent websites to do a paid advertising campaigns on, possibly using a retargeting marketing tactic for more exposure, and conducting it over a specified period of time.  Many meet the minimum requirement of a 100,000 ranking on a global and/or local country basis on Alexa.com.

That is smart marketing strategy to use for all paid advertising campaigns.  I learned that from one of my many mentors.  If sites you look at do not meet this minimum criteria it is safer to let them grow in traffic and come back to them when they get better traffic rankings before you spend your hard earned money.  Also, only do a paid campaign once you have already learned how to earn at least $1,000 online without one.  Remember, this is a marathon with a series of sprints. Build your business daily not in one day.


Social Media Websites 1-10

#1 Social Media Websites – Amazon.com

You can register for an account using your email and a password you can remember. Then search for your name in a list.  You can pull up all the people that have the same name as you.  Start an online relationship with them by looking at what they like and helping them solve a problem they seem to be having.  The choice of reading material they pick will give you a good indication.  This will talk to the demographics and psychographics of the person you find.

The idea here is collecting names and putting them in a list of people that may be your best customer, either now or in the future, when they do not have a primary business.  You see a psychographic trait of many of our target audience is that they have been involved in more than one network marketing business in their lifetime so far.  This means they are buyers!

Or You Could Do It The Old Painful Way

You could walk through Walmart and find some the people that are right for your business, or you could find people that already know how to use digital technology, have their own business and want better results.  They know you have to invest in your education to learn new skill sets.  You have to do the work involved building a business.  You help them get the solutions to their problems by eventually having them ask you to sell them your product and service.

This happens over time.  Do not be in a hurry.  Find people that you would like to spend the Weekend with, when you attend your company events, that you have every quarter, people that like the same things you do. This will make the experience of building a business much less painful, won’t it?

#2 Social Media Websites –Facebook.com

We covered this one extensively in the video above

#3 Social Media Websites –Flickr.com

You can join Groups of people that like the same things you do and/or, you can have discussions with them, like you can do in LinkedIn groups

Step Two

#4 Social Media Websites – Googleplus.com

Wow! So many people in the circles, communities, what’s hot, and trending in Google Plus, the old version.  This is a great tool for reaching large groups of people like you, or that are in a better situation than you.  As you listen to the sound of my dog Tasha barking in the background,  you will learn about these social media websites, and how they are used as a social media websites, market research tool for your email list; this one is on steroids!  This is a screen capture video I shot to explain how you can use this social media websites market research process.


#5 Social Media Websites – Gravatar

There is a way to use an email address to find the profile of the people on Gravatar, and their is a huge collection of content marketers and bloggers(your target market?) on Gravatar.  I know this site can be used this way because people become members.  But, it is beyond my knowledge-level in coding or finding a hack to solve this small hurdle, i.e., how do you interact socially with people on Gravatar.com.

Collaborate In A Future Post To Solve This Mystery

I did not find it yet.  If you are good with computer code and coding please  comment below, how you think you can do this.  This could be a future post we could collaborate on. If interested in this opportunity please comment below.  I’d love to collaborate with you on this new post.

We will take the best comment below and give you an opportunity to gain exposure for your skills in the post we do together.  You can get one backlink too.  The way I look at it is each backlink your website gets, increases the value of your website, which is your asset that you can sell or will to your heirs in the future. Comments must be made by 12/16/2016


#6 Social Media Websites – Hi5.com

Hi5.com allows you to register for membership with your facebook profile and then allows you to invite others to Hi5.  It feels like a dating site, but has a potential for being a huge repository of people that are like you.  First of all, people have to:

1. know you exist

2. then like you

3. they need trust you will help them with situations or problems they have in their business.

People on this site can buy you as pets(huh? not sure about this one.)  This looks like fun if you are single.  I am not, so you can explore this one and write a blog post about it once you learn what to do on this site, measure your results in terms of new prospects or new sales conversions.   Then teach people what you learned while taking massive action building your business.


#7 Social Media Websites –Pandora.com

This social media website is based on the kind of music you like.  Share a song on Facebook.  Then, on Pandora, look for the options, toggle, switch, and click on the people who also like this song.  Boom!  You have now found something in common with a whole audience that likes the same songs you do.  This is only one psychographic trait, but it can help you bridge to this audience and sort out the many to find the few that you want to do business with. Get certain about who these people are and are not.  It will be the single most valuable thing you can do for your business.


#8 Social Media Websites – Picasa.com(Now Google Photos)

The Internet changes all the time(get used to it)

Picasa.com is now Google Photos, and this site is for storing and sharing your photos and videos.  Google Photos is a great way to have your images and videos on “the cloud.” But for finding customer groups, or having social media websites interaction with potential customers, I do not see how to do that in the new Google Photos.

But, using the Google search engine, on the Images tab, and Google Videos from the search bar, will give you almost limitless numbers of people in business, if they posted because of their business.

They may try to sell you when they reach out to you.  Notice I did not say you reach out to them.   They will come to you.  You can reach out to them if you want.  But, I have found that when you set this up right, people come to you to:

1. Sell you stuff

2. leaders come to you to see what the heck you are doing

In The Twilight Of Their Business Cycle

That is OK. You are focused on building your business.  They may not be as happy with their company in the future.  During this process be nice. Be professional and they will remember you were.  I find the phrase, “Nice meeting another professional marketer, cools down the sales pressure from them.

Or, you can also say you have all the prospects you will ever need for a lifetime, which will be true once you start using this process to gather audience lists.  I have also found that using this phrase will stop the pressure they sometimes exhibit, “I will let you know when I find the money for this product or business opportunity.  You budget for your expenses in any business, right?  This solves a lot of pushy people, which is part of attracting a lot of people too you.  You get good at sorting out the many you will attract with practice.

Not Now But Maybe Later

You are “collecting” groups of people, into lists of people in your industry, that may be right for your business at some point in time.  Not necessarily now.  Each one of those photos and videos plus the new keywords that are at the top of this site or the bottom in the footer, are connected to a person that you may do business with in the future, if not now.  They are already buyers of an MLM or affiliate product or they would not be selling one, right?

You do not want to take people away from their business and you probably can’t, as in the beginning, as new people in their first company, are too excited to try something new, and you definitely should not ever try to cross recruit or take anyone away from another business.

Direct Selling and Direct Marketing Associations

The Direct Selling Association and The Direct Marketing Association frown on such practices.  Enough said on this topic, right?

But, many people quit in MLM and network marketing.  Things change in the company, etc.  Wait for your time when they know, like and trust you, and they want, and are able to pay for your products and services.  Google Images is a great place to meet these suspects that may someday be right for your business.

The Secret To This Industry

This is a long term strategy and a long-term business, if you are building “deep and wide.” (ask your sponsor what that means)  The secret to success in this industry, especially when good leaders are in a twilight of their business, which is usually about half-way through their business life-cycle, is that they may get disenchanted by something the owners or other leaders in their company have done.  Things like:

  1. change the compensation plan
  2. take away all their downline as a result making them start their business over

The secret is to learn how this industry works, and then set up systems and processes that allow you to capitalize on the weaknesses of it in the most efficient manner possible at the time you implement your strategy.


It happens all the time in this industry. Companies also go out of business.

Unless they make the coveted 10 years in business benchmark, you can count on this happening.

If this happens to them, you will have been the person that was always helping them in the past, giving them value to build their business opportunity.

They Will Be Ready To Be your Customer When

  1. They like the industry
  2. have been out of it for at least 6 months, and they want back in.
  3. investing in new skill sets is like breathing to them

In that situation, you are at the right place at the right time. This is when your business shape-shifts, and you can “move mountains with your mind.”



#9 Social Media Websites – Tagged.com

Again this looks like a dating site so it would be good for single people to explore

#10 Social Media Websites –  Twitter.com

This one will be covered extensively in a future post, so stay tuned.  Twitter is a major social media channel that allows you to make lists and send messages to each other.  But, it is so much more

Social Media Web Sites 11 – 20

#11 Social Media Websites – Ask.fm

Ask is a great source of finding highly targeted customers using the hashtag feature.  This will attract many new people to you, and you can search for friends that would be helped by your business, by using targeted keywords.  This one came back with huge social media websites lists of people that would fit your target market.

Next, take the lists when you find them and copy them to your Google Document.   Contact at least five of them daily to see where they are in the progression of their business..  If you and your products can help them now great!  If not, then keep track of them as they progress in their business.  They are your marketplace.  The same goes for many of these other social media websites you can use for your market research for your business.  Ask yourself,  “Who do I really think I and my business opportunity, and/or products can help?”  Many of your customers will only use your products at first.


#12 Social Media Websites – BlackPlanet.com

As the name suggests, this site is focused on African American or people who would describe themselves as Black in general.  You can use their features to sort out the many to find the few that may be interested in your products and services.  Then, it is just a matter of contacting them and seeing if they want what you sell, and if they are able to afford what you sell.  Without both criteria in their minds there is no sale.


#13 Social Media Websites – Care2.com

Care2 is a site for the Green( Myers-Briggs) personality or “C” Analytical caring types of people In DISC profiles.  So, if you are one of those people that want to save the World( I think that would be cool) then this site is for you.  If you are quick to make decisions, and you care only about money(nothing wrong with that) you probably will not relate as well with these people.  Regardless you can use it to find customers, even if you are “the rock” of the family, and consider teamwork the most important part of any business.

This site makes it easy to find large groups of people like you, regardless of what personality type you are.  We all have personality traits.  Learn about them in people and embrace them to find and attract through using social media websites, the customers you want to be around during your free time.  These will be the easiest customers, that are in your “sweet spot” target market.  I learned that phase “sweet spot” and much more, from Dan Kreutzer of The Samurai Business Group.  They turn corporate, sales, superstars into legends.


#14 Social Media Websites – LiveJournal.com

By joining LiveJournal You will find entire communities of people that are like you or that will be good prospects for your product or service.  There are 500 pages of communities and they can be in one of many languages including English, Russian, Ukrainian, French, Portuguese, Spanish, German, Italian and Blearuse… You could spend your entire career talking to people in these communities.

I used to think you could find two people a day for your business.  Then I realized you can find two groups of people a day, then that you could find two communities of people a day.  This task of finding people to talk to about your business using online strategies keeps getting easier and easier, especially if you use what you will find on this social media website.  Remember to be social not everyone will be the right person to talk to about your business.  Enjoy talking to the right people and your business day will get better


#15 Social Media Websites – StumbleUpon.com

Start with your interests.  Like and follow people that like what you like.  By doing so you will attract people to you.  They will follow you.  Make most of your content shares valuable, with a sales post interspersed every so often.

Test the frequency of when to sell, and when to give value. Show your personality, what you like and hate and love, inspirational posts and really get creative.  Make it visually appealing to the eye if that is your thing.  Stumble Upon is a community of people that like the same things.  You will find many ways you can attract people to you without having a need to sell all the time.


#16 Social Media Websites –  Answers.com

This is a great place to find people who write about things you like and about solutions to your problems, and the solutions to your customers problems or situations.  The Universe is abundant and there is more than enough for everyone.  Not all the people that write the solutions to your customers problems or situations will resonate with them, but they may with you.

Introduce Yourself Then Be Cool

Introduce yourself to everyone that matches your demographic and psychographic profile of your sweet spot customers.  If you need more information about that then click the banners on this page and you will be taken to a group of people that understand and use this concept every day.

One reason to market and advertise using answers.com they have on their website:

As a global brand with strong community interaction, the demand for excellent content is high and we think you can deliver. We integrate your social media profiles and articles into our website and social messages to ensure that your contributions to Answers give you opportunities to connect with millions of visitors on one of the biggest sites on the web.



#17 Social Media Websites – AOLlifestream.com

This site allows you to update your profiles all at one time. It is difficult to sign in though, as I have attempted this on multiple occasions. If you have better luck or results than I did please comment below.  I am sure it is something that I am doing and not caused by the site itself.


#18 Social Media Websites – Blogger.com

This one is very familiar to me as I started out online marketing by blogging with 84 different blogger blogs using Adsense. They still exist in “Internet space”  they do not generate much traffic on theri own.  You have to use basic syndication strategies and advanced syndication strategies to help more people in your target market see your content, products or services.  This is a great place to find other bloggers.  If used sparingly it is a good source of traffic to your primary blog too and to your Blogger blog respectively.

But, you can lose Blogger blogs(like I did in the beginning) though if you use this too much.  You will find many marketers and business owners that write for Blogger blogs.  Ask yourself, “How can I help these Blogger bloggers get better results than they currently are with their blogs?” Blogger may not allow you to advertise with them but their are ways you can explore with Adsense and other ads you can place on your Blogger blogs.


#19 Social Media Websites – CafeMom.com

CafeMom is an online community where millions of moms meet each day to talk, share advice, make new friends, and play games. It’s fun, it’s free, and it’s for moms only!

Respect that it is for Moms only, and do not use it if you are not a mom.  But, since 75% of our audience is Moms.  This is a great site for you if you are a MOM!

#20 Social Media Websites – Citysearch.com

I have not used this site recently.  This is what they say they can do for you in terms of reaching your target audience:

You, the user, are an important part of our Citysearch family. Your Citysearch Profile allows others to see your activity – pictures you’ve uploaded, reviews you’ve provided, businesses you’ve recommended – as well as the ability to connect with others within the site. Upload a profile picture, ‘Like’ another’s review, or check out what businesses your friends have recommended lately.

It really focuses on businesses in your local area.


Social Media Websites #21 – #30

#21 Social Media Websites – DailyMotion.com

This is a great video sharing site but it is broken into categories.  You can pick the videos of people that like what you like.  These are easier customers to deal with in most cases.  Follow the people of the videos you like. Post videos here yourself and people like you will do the same. Then, find a way to communicate with your fans, either in their other social media channels or on this site.

#22 Social Media Websites – Delicious.com

In 2016 Delicious.com is going through a major rennovation.  You can still bookmark content, but they are adding an ability to become more social.  This will allow you to interact more with potential customer groups…stay tuned.  We may have to do a case study blog on the new features of Delicious.com

#23 Social Media Websites – deviantArt.com

This artist community hates spam and will ban you for life.  My first account got banned when I did not know what I was doing, a long time ago.  There is a whole community of of artists on this site.  If you are an artist you will love finding people that can benefit from your products and services.  But,  let them come to you. Trust me on this one.  Artists do not appreciate pressure sales tactics.  Just form a brand presence as an artist.  People will find you, when they know, like, and trust you enough to have their best interest at heart. Provide lots of value before you ever talk to anyone on this site.


#24 Social Media Websites – Ebay.com

Traditionally this site is for selling things on EBay, but you can also have discussions and make comments with other business owners, once you earn your rank to gain that ability or functionality.  Test it out.  Lots of people are in communities in EBay.

Connect with the people that would benefit from your product or service, but only after you get a good rating by doing what you say you are going to do as a seller.  Integrity on EBAY is key to your success.  Stay focused on buyers getting what they pay for. Lots of people struggle selling on Ebay. They may be very interested in your business opportunity once they know, like and trust you.

#25 Social Media Websites – Etsy.com

In the Etsy forums you will have the ability to help lots of people before you ever sell anything.  Provide enough value to people so they learn to know you exist, they like you and your creativity, and they trust that you have their best interest at heart.  Especially on show the your heart first.  Show them your heart before you show them what your product or services can do for them.

#26 Social Media Websites – Eventful.com

This is a site for users and performers about music events.  Use the advanced search feature with keywords for:

  1. location
  2. performer type
  3. user type


The total number of active people to date is 1000-ish  number of people that use this site, that I found.  If you find more please let us know in the comments.  Great site for paid advertising since they rank highly on Alexa.com

#27 Social Media Websites – Foursquare

Foursquare is more about finding local food, entertainment and recreation venues.  You can tell people in your profile about your tastes.  This may attract some people like you to your business.  There is a separate page for businesses.   But, it has a developers tab at the bottom of the page.  When you go there, you will see a forums tab.  This will take you to a stack Overflow page with lots of people that are developers for Foursquare apps.  How many of them do you think want to earn money using digital technology, outside their job, or to replace their job income?

#28 Social Media Websites – IGN.com

IGN is a gamers and multi-media community.  The best way to contact customer audiences is through monitoring and providing valuable information to the commenters in the livefrye.  It looks like valuable content in Boards(think forums) is the way to connect with potential customers.  The good news is online marketers are psychographically geeks( I say that with love and respect as I am an aspiring Geek) gamers, fantasy story enthusiasts, movie buffs, especially sci-fi.  You’ll fit in here nicely if you like spending your time playing games online

#29 Social Media Websites – IMVU.com

This site requires you download their platform to be able to dress up their avatars.  It looks like it skews to an age range of younger Millennials, or people that like fantasy play so this is in our target psychographic.  It is probably a good site.  54,000 people were on it from 89 different countries when I started looking at it today.  This is a whole new Internet world for me so I will not be much help to you here.  Test it out, just like any other marketing tactic or marketing strategy.

#30 Social Media Websites – Instagram.com

Instagram will be talked about in a future post as it is a specialty of our team 8FM.  You have an Instagram account, right?  If not get one.  It is a social media site that is not going away because it is visual, and it is really interesting how many people use it.  You post images you take or make and can send people to links in your profile.  You can link you Instagram account to your facebook so you reach more people too. There are all sorts of automation systems for Instagram out there but I have never seen such consistent good results from multiple individuals as I have seen from the people using the 8FM system.

If you’d like to learn, “what the heck they are doing” as a Tracey walk would say click one of the banners on the side and join the team of the people who shared this to you.  Get access to the Instagram training from the group.  Your business will be glad you did.  It is based off who you are and what things you enjoy doing in your free time.  Hopefully, if you take it seriously you will get more of it to spend with your family and friends.

Social Media Websites #31 – #40

#31 Social Media Websites – Lastfm.com

First of all, LastFm is in multiple languages including English, Deutsch, Español, Français, Italiano, 日本語, Polski, Português, Русский, Svenska, Türkçe,  and 简体中文 It is a community of people around the globe that like music and media.  Yep, sounds like part of our audience!  This is a great site to learn how to use to attract your sweet spot demographic and psychographic customer.

You can learn how to follow the people that shout out (comment) on a particular piece of music you like.  You can also download free music in certain sections of this site.  Do you love music, music events and people?  This might be a great place to meet people like you. People like you who become customers are easier to work with.

#32 Social Media Websites – Match.com

This is a dating website and if I am seen on a dating website my love Stephanie will not be pleased so you are on your own on this one. Obviously, it has lots of people.  Fin the marketers and business owners and see if they are still happy or if they need to find another skill set to help them with their business.   Have fun with this on single people.  Write a blog post about the case study you do using the audiences you will find on Match.com

#33 Social Media Websites – Metacafe.com

Meta Cafe is a media sharing site and you can join groups and communities.  These two places are filled with people some are like you.  Some may be business owners.  Some may need help now.  Others may need help later.  Let them get to now you.  Give them value first before they buy from you, and be OK if they never buy from you.

Help people when you can and always leave people a little better off than when you found them originally.  Then, you can look yourself in the mirror and know you were running your business the right way.  When you do the profit will find you.  The Universe works like that.

#34 Social Media Websites – OKcupid.com

This one is a dating site, and I am taken for life, so I will let them talk for themselves:

Join the best free dating site on Earth. Signing up takes two minutes and is totally free. Our matching algorithm helps you find the right people. iOS or Android? You can take us to go.

Sounds cool, doesn’t it?  OK, single people check this one out for yourself and comment down below how it worked for you.

#35 Social Media Websites – Photobucket.com

Find images, GIFs and Videos on this site that you like.  Click on the media you like.  Then use the settings gear to scroll to the album of that person.  Then follow that person and you will be able to see that persons followers.  This is a community of people that like digital media and social media.  Sounds like people your business can help, doesn’t it?

#36 Social Media Websites – Picturetrail.com

Is a site that will have a members directory soon.  It will be made up of people that use digital images in their blogs and businesses, as well as personal projects.

#37 Social Media Websites – Pinterest.com

Explore categories and pins that are posted and pinned by people that are interested in the same visual topics.  Each pin is created by a person like you. Connect with them in an message

#38 Social Media Websites – Plentyoffish.com

Go to the PlentyofFish Forums you will find plenty of people there.  This site is also for singles mainly.  But, there are also opportunities for life coaches to provide plenty of value to the people behind each of the threads in this forum.

Do not spam.  Provide value and people will search you out to find out what you are doing.  Find the people on this site that are business owners. POF gets 50,000 new singles each day.  Take a look at their Alexa rankings by clicking here

#39 Social Media Websites – Reddit.com

There is a lot to learn about when using Redditt.  It typically is for younger people.  But, it is also for educated, intellectuals, and people that like digital technology. Redditt is it’s own world in itself and it does well in search engines.  You will find lots of people like you in Reddit if you look at sub-Reddit posts that resonate with you.

#40 Social Media Websites – SoundCloud.com

This is an audio and music site.  People can record their audios and share them with the World.  Therefore, they can also record their music with the World listening too.  This means that all these people who record their nmusic and audios are probably in business or trying to be in business.  Hence, this is our target market.

Social Media Websites #41 – #50

#41 Social Media Websites – Tripadvisor.com

Use the forums section of this site.  Now let’s think about this for a minute.  People that use this site can afford to go on trips.  Boom! This is a site of members that are of a demographic and psychographic that can afford to spend money on business information.  They may even travel for business and be missing their time with friends and family and be looking for an alternative lifestyle or a lifestyle that still brings in the same high earnings but gives them time freedom.

Provide Value About Places You’ve Traveled

Write about or shoot a video on a place you know about.  This will help someone about to go to that destination. Many time these people will be High Net Worth Individuals(over $200,000 in trading accounts and/or $1 million in assets) and they like to conduct business their way.  They could also be people just looking for discounts so you will need to sort of the many to find the few that especially want time freedom.

#42 Social Media Websites – Tumblr.com

Tumblr is written by people that like to write blogs, use GIFs, and  by very creative people.  Many are selling their wares…drops mic!  This is definitely a place to find people that can benefit from your products and services.

Show your true personality and attract people like you, and then sort people out and find business owners that want to learn new skill sets like marketing and advertising,  finding new clients, or better yet, having new clients find them online.

#43 Social Media Websites – Veoh.com

This is a video and movie sharing website with forums and interests. This will lead for people you can talk to and provide great value to them. Eventually with consistent daily action you will meet more people like you and some of them may be right for your team.

#44  Social Media Websites – WordPress.com

Here is what they have to say about their blogging platform:

WordPress.com powers beautiful websites for businesses, professionals, and bloggers

Look at all these markets for you to explore and sort out, to find the right people, that meet your demographic and psychographic criteria for your best customer type.  Some find them difficult to use,  as you need to understand a little about coding, but plug-ins help now in 2016.

You will need to set up a word press blog to start this exploration.  The idea here is to meet other WordPress bloggers that are blogging for business.  They want to get eyeballs on their content, but find that their great work is lost in the vast Internet Space.  You just so happen to have a blogging platform that is ranked in 2016 Global Rank =11,696 and US = 4,960

#45 Social Media Websites – YouTube.com

In YouTube you can create emails to your subscribers and you can contact people that you follow.  You can also contact people you subscribe to.  The idea here is to find people that have videos about keywords you target for your business.  They may be fine with their business right now.  But in this industry people will jump from thing to thing to thing at different levels of their business life.

New People In This Industry Are Not Your Target Market

When they are grinding(before they have made $10,000 in a single month) leave them alone.  There are many reasons for this. First of all, it is against The Direct Marketing and Direct Sales Association rules against cross recruiting.  Second, they will be totally loyal and excited to their first company.  They would not leave their current business opportunity no matter what you did.  If they are doing well they have no compelling reason to do so.

People’s Situations Change in Life and In Business

So why bother contacting these people and adding them to your list of suspects?  Because sometime in the twilight of their business, they will start to see a lot of people quit on them.  They will start to doubt their ability to be a leader.  They may run out of money, and quit themselves.  About 80% of the Industry quits and has to be replaced each month.  You can probably talk to them after they have been out of any business for about 6 months.  Then, they may or may not be ready to look at your business opportunity, or learn some new marketing and advertising skill sets from your products.


#46 Social Media Websites – Behance.com

Behance is an outsource talent site.  You can post jobs and you can hire or talk to people that have creative businesses in the following subject areas that are all in your target market:

  1. Graphic Design
  2. Photography
  3. Interaction Design
  4. Art Direction
  5. Illustration

You can follow your interest groups to start out, and then notice each interest group has people in it.  Easy-peasy,  contact these people and see what kind of value you can provide them, or you might want to consider hiring one of them.  They have mad skills.  This is a great resource for conducting an outsourcing test.

Do Creative People Need Extra Money?

Huge numbers of creative people, and some of them need extra money which may also be your in.  Have them look at you and what you do.  Remember, do not come right out and ask them.  Form a knowing, trusting relationship first, then if they want to they will find your link and join your business.  Many will not, as they are earning money with their craft.  But, some of them might.

#47 Social Media Websites – Break.com

Break is a place to find viral videos(ask me at an event how this can help you to get leads) in the mean time…remember people, creative digital people who shoot cool and funny, viral videos post on this site.  They set up profile to do this and you can follow them or contact them.  Provide 10Xs the value before you mention your business.

Your Business Is Your Job

When you do this properly they come to you, and you have no time to reach out to them before they do.  Your job is to sort out the many to find the few and teach the few how to sort out the many network and affiliate marketers online, to help them get better results in their primary business.  Do anything else and you will start to lose money.  I’ve seen it many times.  Leaders are people too.  They sometimes do other things and then have to start over again each time.


# 48 Social Media Websites – CNNireport.com

You can become an ireporter and get lots of free publicity for your business.  Do a good job.  Provide tons of value and watch how many people will contact you.  Once your ireport hits the air, people will want to know who you are.  You can also look at the profiles of all the CNN staff.  Think any of them will ever be looking for new ways to earn more money online?  Could be.  You never know for sure. However, one thing is for certain, they will not be shy on camera, or in front of an audience, so they will be naturals in your team.

#49 Social Media Websites – Disqus.com

This is what they say about their website:

The #1 way to build your audience. Disqus offers the best add-on tools for site owners to power discussions, increase engagement, and earn revenue.

When you make a comment on Discus, others see it and they can up-vote or down-vote it.  You can start discussions, providing value to the readers of your thread or discussion.  It is like Forum marketing. Click on the all categories buttons and just look at all the people that have started discussions.  Add to the discussion, 10 times and on the 11th engage with people you resonate with.  By that time you will find that people will come to you.  You will not have a need to bother them.

They Will Come To You

If they know you, like you and trust you, they will come to you.  Some will try to sell you too soon.  This is your indication they need your help with marketing, advertising and selling online. There are many groups of people just like you that you will find on Disqus.  You could talk to people that could eventually be potential customers for the rest of your life.  There are that many people associated with this site.

Find the ones that want your help and can afford it. They are willing to take massive action to build their dream business.  A business  that allows them to have a life while building it, right?

# 50 Social Media Websites – Fotolog.com

Fotolog is the first photo sharing website
with more than 32 million users

Use the directory and groups to find out more about the owner of the photos you see.  The more you peel back the layers of this site, the more interaction you will find with each of these potential customers, someday down the road when they like your value is so much that they trust you have their best interest at heart.

Social Media Websites #51 – #61

#51 Social Media Websites – Github.com

Join Github and get your email verified, to gain access to all Github features. This site is mainly for people that are working on software.  The good news is these people work with computers, so they are good to have on your team.

#52 Social Media Websites – Kongregate.com

This is a gaming community.  You will find that many of your customers online, especially on Facebook, start with online games.  This is a psychographic tendency I have found in my email list, market research, and the whole reason for this post.  This site has huge psychographic information.  You must earn by playing games, gain access to contacting other people in the community by earning points.  Here is what they say about their website:

Kongregate is a community-driven browser games portal with an open platform for all web games.Get your games in front of thousands of users while monetizing through ads and virtual goods.

You will also find a whole list of potential customers that have psychographic tendencies like you in the forums section of this site.  Provide great value.  You never have to tell them about your business if you are providing great value.  It is really weird at first, but eventually you will understand this is a key driver of your business.  People will get curious and come to you.  This is social media marketing so be social, have fun and be consistent with your content.

#53 Social Media Websites – Lyrics.com

This site is all about music and people who love it, another great psychographic trait of a person just like you.  It is much easier to work with people that you have something in common with, rather than working with a person that is nothing like you.  Do you like music, and lyrics? Then this is the site for you!


# 54 Social Media Websites – Menuism.com

Right from setting up your profile, you have access to other foodies and their fans.  If you like writing about food this will be a great place for building an audience.  Imagine going to one of your company events and then spending time after the event and during, going to gourmet restaurants around the Globe and writing reviews in this site,  gaining access to more fans. What a great life! What a great business!

This site is cool! But, that is just my opinion, check it out for yourself, test it, and see what kind of sales conversion results you get from relationships you form online on this site.

#55 Social Media Websites – Smugmug.com

This site is a social media site for professional and amateur photographers.  You will need to pay a monthly membership fee after a 14 day, free trial period. The site itself is beautiful.  If you really enjoy photography “just for fun” or if you want to sell your professional photography this site may be for you.  Test it out and tell us what you think in the comments below

#56 Social Media Websites – SourceForge.com

Open Source coding projects is the nature of this coding community online. There are many people associated with this site that are coders or people looking for work as coders.  You see the industry has changed.  It started out that if you knew code you were set.  Everyone and their mother wanted to be an IT expert.  Now there are too many of them.  So people are finding it harder to:

  1. locate good workers
  2. Find coding jobs

Your Quest – The Entrepreneurs

You want to sort these people out to find the entrepreneurs.  The good news is their bad pay, will fall well within the minimum income level of $65,000 per year that most, network marketers need to be in to do well in this industry.  Of course, this will not be true for all the people you meet.  I would suggest you use this site only if you have coding project yourself.  These are highly intelligent people, treat them as such.  The have great analytical minds, they know how to work until the project is complete.

Surround Yourself With Smart People

They have a lot of the psychographic traits you are looking for on your team too.  If you are the smartest person in the room you are in the wrong room, right?  Remember, we have a better way and their skill sets will help you look really good while helping them build their business.  You probably will have to point them in the right direction and help them make decisions.

This group will over-analyze decisions at times, so be aware of that tendency.  It could be a good market for your business.  test it out and let us know how it works for you.


#57 Social Media Websites – ThisNext.com

Do you like to shop and write about brands, products, celebrities and social trends? Then, this site is for you:

As a Maven, you have the most followers, and your Shopping Guides and products are the most loved. You’re a tagging, commenting, Shopping Guide-creating machine! Be careful not to lose your place in the spotlight, though – keep finding, adding and recommending great products, and introduce yourself to new members along the way.

Once you meet Maven Level in your product reviews, or maybe your store reviews, people that also like to shop will want to know more about you.  That is when they find you.  If you have something they are interested in, and they know, like and trust you, you will have a better chance of them buying from you.

The Great News!

The great news is that all your content produced for this site will act as little sales robots forming an opinion for you and your brand while you are out on the beach sipping Mai Tais, or in your case, you will probably be out shopping! Have fun with this one!


#58 Social Media Websites – Topix.com

This is a really cool site and it will relate to most people.  Lots of topics on celebrities and trending topics.  This site will require a lot more sorting but they get 1.7 Billion views so they have lots of eyeballs in their forum discussions.  I found that you need to sign-up locally to get your profile set up.  You choose what you want to be part of.

 Want More Time With Family And Friends?

You could easily have you and future generations attracting enough people to talk to each day.  Are you really good at network marketing but want more time with your friends and family?  This might be a great site to do your sorting out the many to find the few and teaching the few to sort out the many site.

This Site Is Associated With Lots of Freebie Seekers

Warning:  This site is tied to lots of freebies.  While good if you want freebies, you really do not want freebie seekers, they will want everything for free and will not want to spend or invest in their education.  But, network marketers that do not know what they are doing sometimes think that it is a good idea to market using these topics.

The good news is there are more sites associated with Topix  and more forums to start discussions with people on this site than most sites I’ve seen.  Do you like popular, trending culture, entertainment, fashion and celebrity news?  Then, this is the site for you to explore:

This is the message you get when you have registered correctly:

Thank you for registering for an account on Topix! Now you can get started with lots of great features available exclusively to registered users…

1 ….fill out your Profile Q&A, so that you better connect with your community.
2 ….add Favorites to your profile, which keep the news and forums that are important to you at your fingertips.
3 ….personalize your forum posts with your photo and hometown.
4 ….exchange Topix Personal Messages with other registered users.

Questions? Take a look at our FAQ: http://www.topix.com/topix/faq#Registration

A Great Group Of Marketers

If you want to learn how to do this correctly take a look at the banners on the side of this post.  The person that posted this blog post really is tied to a great group of marketers that can guide you to the right products and services and community of like-minded individuals to help you use the Internet to recruit with less belly to belly and three-way call pain.


#59  Social Media Websites – TypePad.com

Sign up and start communicating with community managers.  These people have lots of people that are interested in their community at their fingertips.  Do you think there is anyone in this group of people that would have an entrepreneurial spirit of adventure! Great place to meet people and provide a ton of value.

Again, let people find your business at about a 10 to 1 ration of value content to anything about your company.  Service before self is your motto and it happens to be the tagline of Rotary International. They used this to cure Polio.  Do you think it will help you meet interested people in your business?  It will if you are cool about the way you use it.

#60 Social Media Websites – Vimeo.com

Vimeo is a video marketing website, but you must provide value only in your videos.  They will shut down accounts that are not educational, inspiration, or entertaining.  But, with that said, there are 50 million people trusting Vimeo because of it.  What part of the 50 million person audience do you want to sort out to find your target customers?

Groups and Categories

Groups and categories have members.  Join the group that has the members you want to attract.  Watch the videos that attract you and see what people make comments.  Follow and comment on the people you are also attracted to, or better put, the content you are attracted to.  Then, get to work producing valuable content videos.

# 61 Social Media Websites – Zazzle.com

Zazzle.com  is a place to sell things.  Either your products or someone else’s.  This means that everyone that signs up to Zazzle in already a business owner your products and services can help.   Or better yet, your business opportunity can help that struggling business owner(98% of all business owners struggle at some point) get extra cashflow.  You can be their savings grace.  This is what they have to say about their site:

30,248,94567890CUSTOMERS. EACH MONTH. WORLDWIDE. Traffic is important. Traffic becomes customers. Millions of customers search for made-­to-­order products like yours on Zazzle, every day. Make the most of your potential and maximize your reach. Search engine optimization and marketing, email campaigns, social media, a referral program with hundreds of thousands of associates – you name it, it’s all built in. No code required.



When using social media websites for your businesses, market research starts with the email you have from the unknown person or an email from a person that you know their name.

Next, place it in the social, search box of emails, in Spokeo.com They have a paid version of search on this person also, but you can start with the free version to get some information.

Probably, it will be the number of social sites they are part of and the name with a image they used for one of their social media website profiles.

Next, copy and paste that name into Facebook.com and see if their image matches the one you see in spoke.com  If the name does not bring up that image try using the people tab in Facebook.com.

Finally, if none of that brings up a profile you can use, to learn more about the demographics and psychographics of the people that are on your email list, try using the whole email to pull up the same image you saw in Spokeo.com.  If that does not work because it is a Yahoo.com email address try using the root part of the Yahoo email address.  Sometimes people will use the same root letters and numbers to their email for everything online or every profile


Once you find the profile on Facebook, Google Plus, or YouTube

Once you find the profile of the email address that matches the image on Spokeo.com you will have a window into their life, what they like and do not, what they want and need(if they say it in a post) and what they hate.  You can better have a chance at helping them solve a problem they seem to be having once you talk to them through your marketing and advertising copy.  Hence, this will resonate with them.

Powerful Social Media Websites Used to Identify Your Sweet Spot Target Audience

This is a very powerful tactic for doing market research into your opt-in email list.  Therefore, use it only for good. Social media websites are a goldmine for market research of your email list and away to find literally literally millions of people globally to sort out the many to find the few that are the right type of people to be customers of your business.

Bonus – Next 30 Social Bookmarking Sites For Syndicating Your Content

  1. http://www.osusports.info/
  2. http://www.onlinewebmarks.com/
  3. http://shiur.com/
  4. http://www.bookmarkinghost.info/
  5. http://www.storeboard.com/(local site with some cool code)
  6. http://webwhompers.net/
  7. http://www.socbookmarking.com/
  8. http://younews.in/
  9. http://youtubefilter.com/
  10. http://www.bookmarkdeal.com/
  11. http://addblogurl.com/
  12. http://www.socialbookmarknow.info/
  13. http://blurpalicious.com/
  14. http://www.newsciti.com/
  15. http://www.bsocialbookmarking.info/
  16. http://www.socialbookmarkingtime.info/
  17. http://dealshouter.com/
  18. http://mettablog.com/
  19. http://www.socialbookmarksite.info/
  20. http://nulify.com/
  21. http://www.bookmarkingbiz.info/
  22. http://www.bookmarkmaps.com/
  23. http://sitemarks.in/
  24. http://www.activebookmarks.com/
  25. http://subbmitt.com/
  26. http://thegnuru.com/ (Fantasy Sports email for submission)
  27. http://bishtarin.ir/ (Iranian)
  28. http://releaseurls.com/
  29. http://clickuplink.com/
  30. https://dzone.com/


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Tom Lincoln

I am passionate about teaching new business owners how to find great customers and leverage the power of the internet so they can build a business while having a life. ----- Tom is the Lead Writer for the 8 Figure Mastermind (8FM) and produces awesome content for small businesses and entrepreneurs online. To be a part of our mastermind, Click Here to join our 8Fm Team.

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