Capture Page Wizardry! How to Create a High Converting Capture Page

Landing Page
How to Create a High Converting Capture Page

How to Create a High Converting Capture Page

When it comes to online marketing, there is NOTHING more important than building a list. This is done mainly by driving traffic to a capture page and collecting email addresses. We can get into the how and why of that another day, but for now, let’s focus on the first and most important element of online marketing and list building.

In this blog post, I am going to teach you how to create a high converting capture page that will be both visually appealing and compel your visitors to fill out the form. For those of you that are new to the internet marketing space, a capture page is also known as a ‘squeeze page’ or ‘landing’ page. These terms will be used interchangeably throughout this article.

A capture page is the first contact visitors have with you and your offer (many are web hosted so you can build a capture page on a mac or a capture page on a pc (not machine specific when webhosted). It gives them an opportunity to learn more about whatever it is you’re promoting by entering some information about themselves, including and especially their email address.

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Dr. Steve Sheiner

Dr. Steve Sheiner is a board certified Optometric Physician living in South Florida. Married, with 2 kids, and all the other stuff that comes with being a father and husband, Dr. Steve quickly realized he wouldn’t be able to live the life he had hoped or provide for his family the way they deserved by … Read more

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