Best 5 Editing Sites; Proofreading Tools for Content Writers

Creating content for a website can be tough. There’s a lot happening all at once and you may think you have the perfect content created only to find a glaring grammar flaw, a misused word, or just a plain old spelling mistake. It can happen to anyone, English majors included. That’s why we’ve taken the time to gather up the best editing and proofreading tools from across the internet to help you find the corrections you’ve missed and make your editing job easier.

1. SpellCheckPlus

No site found on tinyeye, looks like a screen shot.

This tool relies on you already having a working knowledge of the English language in that you are the editor and this tool simply highlights areas of concern with suggestions on how to remedy them. The service is free to use for anything below 2000 characters (roughly 250 words) or can be unlocked for $15 dollars and have the word limitation removed completely.

The color code they use when highlighting areas of concern is simplistic enough with grammar being highlighted in yellow and spelling being broken down into two sections. Red for words that it feels are wrong and need to be changed, and golden brown for words that you may want to consider changing.

I tested the system with a cut and paste from a blog post I have been working on. While it did pick up on a grammar correction that seemed to enhance the writing, it found difficulty in recognizing the word pixelated. Highlighting it in red for changing.

To test the system further I purposefully spelled some words incorrectly, which it picked up on and highlighted them red. Where it failed was providing a large list of possible alternates, most of which didn’t fit the sentence, and the correctly spelled word was in the mess of it all. So unless you know that is the correct word you may actually end up making the document worse.

2. NinjaEssays

Ninja Essays is a one stop shop to get an article written, edited, and proofread. Yes! You can actually have them write the entirety of your project for you. Focusing, however on the editing and proofreading services they offer and you’ll find a robust list of checks they make to clean up your content.

The proofreading service is basically the human spell checker that we all wish came preinstalled with our word processors. Catching any spelling, punctuation, and typographical issues they’ll also ensure your document has a non-repetitive and nice flow to it, removing any inappropriate phrases or poor word choices. The base cost of this service starts at $5.99 per page.

The editing service is an in-depth overhaul of your document. Here, they’ll pick up on any grammatical, typographical, or logical errors as well as ensuring the corrections they make do not affect the readability of your document. To include the proofreading service with editing there is an additional cost. The base cost here is $10.99 per double spaced page.

3. Wordy works on editing credits with the ability to mix and match their four different levels of service to meet the word count you need. The credits do not need to be used on one project, and you can actually submit several projects to them up to the maximum word count allotment on your account and your account can be topped up at any time.


Wordy promotes a quick turnaround time with human editors based in every major time zone and the ability to select your own team of editors to work on your project gives the service a highly adaptable feeling. You can also add multiple users to your wordy account who can use the accounts editing credits to have work reviewed.


Their editing service provides everything you’d expect and want from an editor: correction of grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Also ensuring the logical structure of your work remains intact and consistent. They do offer a re-write service but are very clear to say that no expansion or additional material will be added to your content.

4. HelpPlagtracker

One of the options in handing your document over to an editor is found here at with services starting at $9.95 a page. They promote using only real editors and having over seventy-five professionals on staff. They’ll assist you with the standard syntax, grammar, and typographical mistakes, as well as rewrite any found plagiarized content to make it 100% unique.

My support for them is hindered by the overly simplistic website they have. It leaves me feeling that something is missing when compared to the counterparts above. They refer constantly to getting you the perfect paper and that they are trusted by over 1900 students. Maybe it’s a generational gap that’s hindering my ability to see the value in their less-is-more website.

5. Bywordapp

nt found on tiny eye and possibly a screenshot of the actual page.

This app almost makes me want to buy an iPad. It is a lightweight word processor with a powerful punch that is exclusive to the Mac and Apple operating systems. I watched several videos of people demonstrating this product and am pleased to say that I can see great value in this product. Not just as a word processor, but as an editing and proofreading tool as well.

Here’s why:
Everything is done via keyboard commands, everything. From formatting your text, creating headers, and creating links, it’s all done via keyboard input. With the premium version (unlocked within the app for a fee) you can export your document to several popular blogging platforms, like WordPress and Blogger, and your formatting is guaranteed to stay.
When it comes time to edit your document it provides you the capability of having only a single line or paragraph highlighted at a time. Helping your eyes focus on just that section of your work and increasing the likelihood of finding mistakes. The easily readable layout and adjustable background color also do wonders in reducing eye strain, helping you remain focused.

Thank you for reading and I hope you’ve enjoyed our rundown of the best editing and proofreading tools for content writers available today. Between these five great tools you’ll find the right fit for your project that will keep you and your work looking the best it can.

Robert Morris

Robert Morris is a freelance editor from NYC. He has been working as a content manager for 4 years. Rob loves surfing and yoga. Follow him on Google+.

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15 thoughts on “Best 5 Editing Sites; Proofreading Tools for Content Writers”

  1. Excellent review of editing and proof reading sites, I love the honest approach here. The Bywordapp 2 seems to be the solution for simplifying a days work for sure. Thank you for the information.

  2. This is really great information. I especially like the idea of SpellCheckPlus. There have been times when I haven’t been sure of the wording I needed to use and SpellCheckPlus would have been a big help. Thanks for sharing the info.

  3. Great tips here! I know many people struggle with spelling and it stops them from blogging…now with this information they can have their work proof read or have it written for them! Thank you for sharing!

  4. What a great list here, SpellCheckPlus sounds really useful, as well as Wordy. HelpPlagtracker seems pretty expensive to me, why not to use a good plagiarism checker instead and save money? For instance, I use Unplag ( ) for similarity detection and editing and have no problems so far.

  5. Writer… Check

    WordPress user… Check

    Apple user… Check

    Just finding out about ByWordApp…Awesome

    I’ve always used Evernote to draft blog posts in the past when I couldn’t be logged into my WordPress editor. When I copy from Evernote to WordPress, I always get formatting issues that I don’t know how to fix. Looks like Bywordapp is going to fix this for me. Awesome!

    Thanks for filling me in Robert!


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