A successful blog requires one thing and one thing only: puppies. Readers love puppies. Give them puppies, and they will come. Puppy pictures, puppy videos, guilty puppies wearing hats—anything with puppies will do. Play to your readers’ love of cuteness, and they will forgive you any bad writing habits, never straying from your blog. (Anything about stray puppies is sure to be a hit as well.)
Okay, okay. So maybe bad writing habits can’t be cured only with puppies, although I do recommend incorporating them into your blog posts as much as humanly possible. The way to overcome a majority of bad writing habits is not to focus on baby dogs but to focus on balance.
The answer to the question “What is the secret to blogging?” should always be “balance.” Your blog writing should strike a balance between humor and information, between substance and fluff, and between perfection and humanity. When it comes to blogging, most bad writing habits have to do with a serious lack of balance.
Writing for a blog can be tricky, but a well-written blog post is certainly possible as long as you know what to avoid. Let’s take a look at some bad writing habits and what you can do to avoid them.