Hey Copywriters! Use these 7 Writing Tips To Make Your Work Shine

How can improve your copywriting so you can close sales?

What writing tricks can you borrow from the playbooks of the pros so that you look like a more talented and professional writer?

In this blog post, I’ll explain seven simple but effective writing tips that you can use today to make your web copy standout.

 1. Grab ‘Em By the Eye Balls

Your readers and customers don’t click on boring, bland or unsexy headlines.

As a writer, it’s your job to grab them by the eye-balls with an engaging headline.

If you’re struggling to find a good headline for your article, take a look at magazine covers like Cosmo.

The writers for magazines like Cosmo are well-paid pros, and you can easily rework any of these proven headlines to suit your copywriting.

For example, I recently adapted the headline 10 Sex Myths Busted! and turned it into 10 Writing Myths Busted!.

Write at least ten headlines for every article you write and sense-check them using CoSchedule Headline Analyzer.



2. Include a Call-to-Action

When you finish an article, blog post or page of web copy, always call on your readers or leads to act.

You could say:

  • If you enjoyed this post, please share it on Facebook/Twitter/Google+.
  • Share your tips for insert topic in the comments sections below.
  • Watch this free video/download this free resource to learn more about insert topic here
  • Join the Insider list and get exclusive tips for insert benefit here
  • Take out your 30-day free trial of insert product here

3. Activate Your Verbs

Avoid using the passive voice.

In the passive voice, the subject (you) is acted on by a verb. It sounds weak, and you can usually spot the passive voice if a verb ends with -ed.

For example:

  • it was decided
  • the product was revealed
  • a product is going to be released

Instead, use the active voice. In the active voice, the subject (you) perform the action.

For example, say we are, the company is or I’m going to.

If you use active voice, your sentences will become stronger and more effective than anything you can achieve with the passive voice.

4. Write In Reverse

Professional copywriters know the introduction is the toughest part of any work, and they often leave it till last.

It’s much harder and far more inefficient to start your writing project at the beginning.

Writing your conclusion (or even the middle of your article first) will give you some directions that you can work your article around. And knowing what your article is about will make writing the introduction a whole lot easier.

5. Separate Writing and Editing

Writing is a left-side brain activity, editing is a right-side activity.

When you’re writing, your job is to get all your ideas out of your head and onto the blank page without censoring yourself.

Editing is the perfect time for reviewing, researching and rearranging your first draft.

I know some writers even remove the delete keys from their keyboards so they don’t edit and write at the same time.

Through the editing process, it’s your job to remove the wheat and the chaff, such as the adjectives and the adverbs in your work and figure out what makes sense and see if the entirety of your article flows.

 6. Wait at Least 24 Hours Before Pressing Publish

When you’ve spent a couple of hours working on an article, it’s difficult to spot typos and mistakes in your work.

If you let your article sit for at least 24 hours, you’ll be better able to spot the rotten wood from the trees.

It’s also a good idea to either read your final draft outloud or print it out and proof-read it away from the screen.

I also use the grammar checker Grammarly as a last line of defense.

7. …But Make Sure You Press Publish

Not every article you produce has to be perfect. And you can improve almost everything you write.

Don’t let this stop you writing regularly.

Instead, get into the habit of finishing what you started and pressing Publish over and over.

Each time you do this, you’ll learn what works, what doesn’t work, and what your readers and customers want.

The alternative is to spend hours or even days perfecting something that no one ever sees and which never closes a sale.

Go Out There and Write Like a Pro

There are no great secrets to writing great web copy.

Writing is a skill like any other, and you’ve got to practice to improve.

If you do it every day, you’ll naturally learn what works and what doesn’t work and build better relationships with your readers and customers.

You can start by taking any one of these 7 writing tips and using it to make your next article shine.

What are your copywriting tips for writing great copy that converts? Share them in the comments section below.


Bryan Collins

Bryan Collins is a writing coach who helps writers use words to achieve their goals and dreams. His free 20-part email course will help you launch your writing career and become a writer today.

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26 thoughts on “Hey Copywriters! Use these 7 Writing Tips To Make Your Work Shine”

  1. Great article! I found out that I was writing in reverse already in some articles.. Sometimes you get stuck with the introduction but your conclusion is already in your head. 😀 Thanks for these awesome tips!

  2. Great post! Love the reminder about active voice. It’s so easy to slip into passive voice and the difference is REALLY noticeable. Really solid tips.

  3. Awesome points here Bryan. I used to always leave my intro until last and somehow I had forgotten that, so thanks for the reminder. I am not sure I could wait 24 hours sometimes I wait overnight or at least walk away for a bit then come back with fresh eyes. Thank you Bryan.

  4. I read posts like yours and realize,man I have a lot to learm. I will try the 24hr wait. Believe it or not I’ve learned this before in other niches. And never realized to implement into writing. For instance, and one of these may sound weird or way in left field, taxidermy and sculpting. Like you imply, looks great! Or I’m done! Lol
    And only to return, look at the work I’ve done and say to myself,wow did I do that?

  5. Bryan, I really enjoyed this article.and especially found points 4 and 5 very interesting. I’m going to try them when writing my next blog. They will help decrease the amount of time I take in writing my articles.

    Thanks for sharing these great tips!

  6. Great Scott! Writing in reverse might disrupt the space time continuum. It might be a good thing though. I guess I never really thought about starting with the conclusion in mind. It does make sense though, a lot of my personal growth books will say that you want to start out your journey with the end in mind. Same goes for business, and now for writing. I think I am seeing a pattern here. Anyone else?

  7. Beginning with the end in mind is a great way to start any project, copywriting is any different. Spend a bit of time writing every day and it will become easier to finish what you started. Plus, your word count will go up and you will figure out which strategies work for you and which ones don’t.


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