5 Ways Solopreneurs Can Market On A Budget

Solopreneurs often start businesses because they love doing a certain type of work or are good at doing a certain thing. They wrap themselves in their work, doing all they can to give customers and clients their best.

But they often fall down on one key element of running their businesses: Marketing. Many solopreneurs and online business owners struggle with getting the word out about what they do because they don’t have good marketing strategies and they don’t have marketing budgets. They do good work on the few client projects that come their way, but attracting more clients and projects would allow them to produce better income.

So what’s a marketing-shy solopreneur to do?

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How To Use Social Media For Lead Generation

Small-business owners should approach social media with care. Without a marketing plan, social media activity can turn into a gargantuan time suck, drawing your attention away from critical business functions, like selling more of your products and/or services. Perhaps the best small-business social media objective is lead generation, and here are tips for how to do it:

Have Good Offers to Market on Social Media

Social media is loud and crowded. If you’re going to promote your business on social media, have something to promote that turns heads. A good offer has several characteristics:

  • It is easy to understand
  • It offers something of significant value
  • It has limited availability
  • It is easy for people to get more information or order

If your social media message is, “Buy from us, we’re great!” you’ll get sneers, not cheers. However, if your message is, “Try our new product during the month of May for no charge,” you’ll get plenty of interest.

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Tried and Tested Ways of Getting Your Small Business on the First Page of Google

You had a dream, you set out to make it happen, and a new business was born. The birth of your brainchild was one of the most significant moments of your life. You put in lots of hours, marketed your business, but recognition was slow in coming. A few years later, you’re still working hard to create a name for yourself in the industry. However, did you know that you can grow your business by simply getting ranked well by Google? With over 95% of people searching for local products and services online, getting high rankings is the dream of every website owner. So, stop focusing on the wrong things and grow your business with Google.

Use these SEO tips for small businesses to enjoy high rankings on Google.

Provide Great Content

As a small business, your greatest challenge may be finding capital to invest in online marketing. However, you can start small by providing great and relevant content on your website. Post on your blog regularly to keep visitors coming back and Google will become your friend. Within no time, you will start making ripples in the business waters. These days, Google is everything. If you are not on the first page, you barely exist. Only a handful of people go beyond the first page.

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Mindset Upgrade To Boost Productivity

As entrepreneurs, especially if you are starting out and running a one-(wo)man show, finding enough time to do everything can be challenging (or downright impossible!)

To solve their time problem, many turn to “productivity” trainings available on the market.

Many of these “gurus” offer great tips and strategies, even an entire routine planned out. But frankly I never had much success with them…

Whenever they say – for the first 90 minutes in the morning, keep everyone out so you can meditate, exercise, make green juice, journal till you turn blue and set intention for your day – I laugh.

Reality is, my kids wake up at some ungodly hour like 5.30am and no, I don’t have it in me to drag my ass up at 4am to meditate.

Do the highest priority tasks in the morning? Fat chance – try that as you pack lunches for son and husband, while running after a 2.5-year-old who drops whatever he eats on the floor and demands food every 5 minutes, very loudly.

Do the income generating projects first thing? Yeah right – try it with Happy Feet in the background and “mommy play doh open” every 5 minutes.

I don’t follow the rules because if I try, I would fail miserably. Yet most people I interact with are impressed by my productivity.

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Hey Copywriters! Use these 7 Writing Tips To Make Your Work Shine

How can improve your copywriting so you can close sales?

What writing tricks can you borrow from the playbooks of the pros so that you look like a more talented and professional writer?

In this blog post, I’ll explain seven simple but effective writing tips that you can use today to make your web copy standout.

 1. Grab ‘Em By the Eye Balls

Your readers and customers don’t click on boring, bland or unsexy headlines.

As a writer, it’s your job to grab them by the eye-balls with an engaging headline.

If you’re struggling to find a good headline for your article, take a look at magazine covers like Cosmo.

The writers for magazines like Cosmo are well-paid pros, and you can easily rework any of these proven headlines to suit your copywriting.

For example, I recently adapted the headline 10 Sex Myths Busted! and turned it into 10 Writing Myths Busted!.

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How to Grow Your Business through Social Media Marketing

Now that you have a social media presence, are you taking the appropriate steps to capitalize on it? If not, you are missing out on a huge opportunity to gain new customers and grow your business. Not only is marketing on social media effective, it is extremely affordable when compared to other marketing options. Additionally, social media marketing has been proven as an effective and a convenient way to get exposure for your product or brand, attract new customers, make valuable connections with influencers and strengthen your relationships with existing clients. Even though it is extremely valuable, you must first learn how to leverage it for your benefit.

While using social media is rather simple, mastering it can be a bit tricky; however, it is worth the time and effort to figure out what type of content you want to publish and what platforms will be most beneficial to your business.

Some of the most effective ways to use social media marketing to grow your business are highlighted here.

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6 Ways to Avoid Distractions in Your Home-Based Business

You’re working on your home-based business. You have a plan. You have the passion. You’re about to take one more step toward making your dream a reality. And then, distraction strikes: the phone rings the baby cries a friend texts you your spouse barges in to ask you a question your dog needs your attention … Read more

How To Find Clients For Your Location Independent Business

location independent Business

The idea of location independence is appealing to many entrepreneurs. Imagine being able to run your business from anywhere in the world.  In practice, though, we begin to worry about our ability to support our business when we are miles away.  Namely, how do we find clients when we cannot approach them face to face? … Read more

How To Start a Successful Coaching Business

Successful Coaching Biz

Coaching has become a growing industry for those who desire to call their own shots while helping others with their talent, passion and expertise.

There is no lack of example of coaches who work 30 – 40 hours (or less) a week, and generate a cushy 6-figure income.

It’s not pie in the sky either. Here is the math for a coach who only works with private clients and have a few information products to sell – without having to worry about creating group programs or doing big fancy product launches:

One new platinum client per month: $5,000
Two VIP day clients per month: 2x$1,500 = $3,000
Sales of information products: 10x$50 = $500
Total: $8,500 per month (aka, a 6-figure income!)

(note: the numbers used as example here is pretty moderate, and definitely attainable for coaches with some experience.)

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What To Study In College: What Zombies Can Teach You

What can zombies teach you about what to study in college? Plenty. If you think about the behavior, physical characteristics and overall appeal of a zombie, it’s pretty clear that a majority of the population (save for some hardcore fans) would NOT want to become one.

Zombies are soulless, brainless, drones who wander about, ever searching for food. They are physically unattractive and very unhealthy. They have no other interests or pursuits. Sound familiar? Does it sound like someone in your life, or someone you know? The question is, do you want to maintain an exhausted, shuffling existence; your mind infected by one thought or goal – to earn money at all costs.

Don’t be the person who got sucked into the college because of the way Hollywood made it glamorous and fun.  There are Reasons To Go To College and there are ways to go to waste your time and money.

If it is – cool. Maybe you will love your job so much, you will find yourself energized or satisfied after each shift, instead of exhausted and worn down. Some people, like nurses, LOVE their jobs. They have to work double shifts, weekends, holidays or even being *gasp* on call. Nurses are dedicated people whom we love because they are awesome.

However, if you are going into nursing just for the money, pick something else [Tweet This] The long hours and extra stress will not be worth any monetary value to you in the long run. Don’t want to be a zombie? When picking a career, LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT.


They are dead, inside and out.


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